What is Active Transportation?
Active transportation is any self-propelled, human-powered mode of transportation, such as walking or bicycling. Physical inactivity is a major contributor to the steady rise in rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other chronic health conditions in the United States. Many Americans view walking and bicycling within their communities as unsafe due to heavy traffic and a scarcity of sidewalks, crosswalks, and bicycle facilities. Improving these elements could encourage active transportation such as children biking to school or employees walking to work. Safe and convenient opportunities for physically active travel also expand access to transportation networks for people without cars, while also spurring investment in infrastructure to increase the comfort of the on-road experience to improve the appeal of active modes to all people.
To learn more about our efforts to improve active transportation in your community find us on Facebook @WarrenCityAT, OR check out the links below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WarrenCityAT/
Interactive WikiMap (Help us to create your priorities!): https://wikimapping.com/Warren-ATP.html